I am a Catholic, and proud of it. So here are some great links to Catholic Web Sites.

News Ticker provided by Catholic World News

The Catholic Online  web site is the Catholic web site. Here there are links to virtually every Catholic Web Site there is on the Net. Fantastic for Catholics and people wanting to find Catholic resources on the Web.

Next will be the Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore, obviously since I'm living in Singapore.

Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore

Since I'm a avid apologist, Catholics and Protestants alike should visit the premier Catholic apologetic Web Site that is Catholic Answers.

 Catholic Answers

My parish church is the Church of the Risen Christ.

Since I'm in Nanyang Technological University, the official Catholic group there is the NTU Catholic Students' Apostolate.

Nanyang Technological UniversityNTU Catholic Students' Apostolate

My allegiance is to the The Holy See.

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